Friday, February 27, 2009

Feb 27, 2009

Welcome to my BLOG!!! (what a word!) This is a new way for me to stay in touch and talk about things that are on my mind. I'll try to update this site no less than once per week so check back toward the end of each week and see what's going on...

We have a tremendous team of people all pulling together toward the same goal at Grace and the results have been astounding! Our church has grown by more than 100% since June of 2007 and we are still welcoming new people to the congregation at a fast pace.

Our Children and Youth ministries have probably seen the most significant increase as they have grown by between 150-250% in that same amount of time! The greatest thing in this whole expansion we are in is that MANY people are connecting with God on a personal level for the first time. That's worth gettin excited about! Get involved in one of these areas of'll be a blessing and I know you will be blessed.

Next Sunday (March 8th) I begin a series called "Black & White" which will address the subject of relativism and absolutes. I know that sounds pretty deep but really it just deals with the issue of truth and a society that really doesn't adhere to a consistent standard of right and wrong. Even our judicial system in this country used to have as it's foundation, laws that were based in biblical precedent. Now this has been replaced with special legislative mandates which change the least for now.

Here's a great idea....Invite someone to church. Surveys have shown that when asked, a very large % of people say they never came to church because no one ever invited them! Let's fix that! At Grace, we provide so many avenues of ministry for you to be involved, ministered to and connected with people. Use those same tools to help someone you know.

Well, my maiden voyage in the blogosphere is now over. I'll come back again soon, so you do the same!

Pastor Jerry

Great Quote: "The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change direction. The leader adjust the sails!" John Maxwell