Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Distance between "Amen" and "In Hand"

So....when you hear a promise from God, what do you do? If you're like most of us you might get excited and "claim it" as your own. For those of you that are pretty dead set against the "name it and claim it" bunch....make sure you quit saying "Amen". It really means, "So be it" be it in MY life, in other words. That's dangerously close as you get to name and claim principles if you ask me!

Back to my thoughts... When you look at bible characters throughout history you will find that the promise they received took, at times, many years to come to pass. Encouraging huh!??? Actually it is if you realize that no matter how long it took, God was faithful to the promise. God makes a promise...we await possession. Get this now....
What we do in between will often (not always) determine the distance! People often chalk everything up to the sovereignty of God. As though He determines whether we get to enjoy His promises. NOT!!! God doesn't play favorites. God is faithful to His word. There are things we can and must do while waiting....I'll give a few right now and then pick this up in my next blog edition....

1. Never be confused who you enemy is! It's not God!!! John 10:10 "The thief has come to steal kill and destroy, but I (Jesus) have come to give you abundant life." Your enemy is not the preacher, politics or other people. Satan has a plan of destruction for your life...God is always good!

2. Realize that some trial and tests He will deliver you FROM (though not as frequent) and some He will deliver you THROUGH. God has given you authority, faith that moves mountains, the name of Jesus, the sword of the Spirit....offensive and defensive weapons...that are there to fight battles. If you were delivered FROM everything....what is all this equipment for? Read: Isaiah 43:1-2

3. Know that in between ALL sowing and reaping there is time. Genesis 8:22 Seed-Time-Harvest. God's promises almost never have a specified time frame attached. Your obedience is NOW, but His promise may take time.

I'll cover more of these things we need to do on the way from Promise to Possession next time around.

Be blessed....possess the land!

Friday, May 1, 2009

F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal

What's in a title? Well you've probably heard this before, but with the situation economically and medically in this country and around the world, we better be "sober, vigilant...for our adversary (the devil) is roaming about...seeking whom he may devour". Statistics show us that although 64% of Americans are afraid of loosing their jobs, only 8.2% of them have done so. That with about 135 cases of "swine flu" reported in the United States (as of 5/1/09), it represents 1/1000% of our population, yet people are afraid. F.E.A.R.! False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is a powerful force...just ask the Old Testement charecter, Job. Fear opens the door to the enemy just as faith opens the door to God.

But wait a minute...aren't we the "church", the eklesia, the called out...the separated ones? We are God's people whom He has always provided for! He is El Shaddai, more than enough! He has always met our need because He is Jehovah Jireh. He provides healing for our bodies, for He IS Jehovah Rapha, etc. etc. etc. My Bible says, "If God is for you, who (or what!) can be against you." Is says that although, "in this world you will have can BE OF GOOD CHEER because He has overcome the world"!!! "No weapon formed against you will prosper". "I will say of the Lord that He is my refuge, my fortress, my God in whom I will put my trust...NO PLAGUE shall come near my dwelling place!"

You get the picture! Look into the Word of you faith. Listen to the world, feed your fear! Which one do you want producing in your life?

Swine Flu, Recession, Unemployment.....see God in every situation. He WILL provide, He WILL see you through!