Thursday, June 18, 2009

A BIG Day @ Grace!

Oh what a BIG...BIG....BIG day it was at Grace Christian Church on June 7th!
Several months ago we began to walk down a path that, if successful, would bring in hundreds of visitors all on one very special occasion. Our theme was
"The Power of One". We wanted to convey to our congregation that every one of us can make a difference in this world, even if one person at a time. Well, that week came and it proved to be true.
Here are some of the numbers:
Preschool/Nursery ("Little People" Ministry): 201 children
Kid Nation (Elementary Age): 300+
AMP (Youth) : 650
Adult Service: 2400

All in all we had 680 visitors recorded! That did not take into account however that many cards were filled out for a husband and wife. We also had many visitors that did not fill out a card because their age didn't qualify them for the special drawing we had. (Our estimate with this in mind = 800-900 total visitors.)

LISTEN TO THIS!!!....We also had 82 viewing families watching the "Live Stream" (go to to check it out) through the internet that day! They watched all over the U.S. including Alaska! Also these other countries were represented: Canada, United Kingdom, India, South Africa, Philippines, Singapore and & Belgium!!!!

Our final attendance numbers were estimated to be at
3400+ for our BIG DAY!

The most important stat of all however is the one that says no less than
300-400 people committed their lives to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! WOW....yeah God!

Thank you to everyone that worked so hard on this project. And thank you God for showing us how we can each make a profound difference in our world!

I'm proud to pastor such an amazing congregation of people...the people of Grace!

Pastor Jerry