Friday, April 24, 2009


The way I see it, compromise only happens when you set aside the truth of the Word or your own personal conviction in order to achieve a goal. If what you're doing does not violate the Bible and it's principles, then it's very possible that the methods are o.k. It's the MESSAGE that is anointed, not necessarily the METHOD. This debate rages on in Christiandom because many people are unable to see things differently than they have ever seen them! This can be sad because there are generations of people to reach that may not fit your particular paradigm that insists "this is how we've always done this is how we have to do it"! Some say we need to think outside of the box. I say, get rid of the box altogether....whoa! Do what God has shown in His Word to do and what He has shown you by His Spirit to do. It's the Message of God's goodness through His Son, Jesus and the Power of God that saves, heals, delivers and sets the captives free. Let's do it!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

testimonies are a window!

Your testimony (story) is a window on what God has done in your life and something that no one can take away from you. What God has done in and for you, what He's doing right indisputable though not always explainable! The religious people of the day saw Jesus heal on the sabbath (how dare he!) and perform other miraculous deeds and yet one man's response to their debate was priceless. In effect he said, "Hey, I don't know what you are arguing about, all I know is once I was blind and now I see!" He IS ABLE to do exceeding and abundantly above all that we ask or think.... Try to find someone on a regular basis that you can "open the window" of your life to. Tell em what God has done!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Up From the Grave!!!

There was an old song we sang at the church where I grew up. The chorus went, "...up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph or' His foes. He arose the victor of a dark domain and He lives forever with His saints to reign...".

Wow! That may be a song, but it's quite accurate. Because of what Jesus did, the sacrifice the Father made...we now reign with Him. I pray that this Easter season is a time of reflection. Think about all He has done for you, the price He paid, the battle He fought, the VICTORY He won! Hallelujah, Christ Arose!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Make it Great!

Today will be a GREAT day!  What do you hear when i say that? Even more important, what do you think? Some hear that and no doubt think, "Yeah, you don't know what I'm going through." Just remember that the promises of scripture should never be made subject to the situations of your life. We MUST take our situations and make them subject to the promise of scripture. Psalm 188:24, "THIS is the day the Lord has made and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it." Make it your choice! No matter what you are experiencing today...and some days ARE difficult...apply God's Word...MAKE IT GREAT!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


God spoke to my heart after a time of prayer and said that though I have taught on the importance and power of Anticipation and Expectation (see Acts 3), we are entering a day of tremendous "Acceleration". When you think about all the years, decades....centuries, that prophets, teachers and Psalmists pointed to the day of the Messiah and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and then in a matter of thirty three years and a few days (50+ from the accession of Jesus to the day of Pentecost) it was all fulfilled....THAT is ACCELERATION!!! Just think of all we have heard about these last days. Yes, evil WILL abound, but His Grace will that much more abound! The "wealth of the sinner laid up for the just", He will "open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings we don't have room enough to receive", and the "glory of the Lord shall be revealed to the whole earth...", and the "whole earth will be filled with His Glory!!!!!!", OH MY! I believe that we have believed, we have trusted, we have declared and we have waited...and now it's time. ACCELERATION of all things. I don't know about you, but I want to be right in the middle of all God is doing and about to do in this earth and through His church. Get ready, get ready, get ready!