Friday, April 24, 2009


The way I see it, compromise only happens when you set aside the truth of the Word or your own personal conviction in order to achieve a goal. If what you're doing does not violate the Bible and it's principles, then it's very possible that the methods are o.k. It's the MESSAGE that is anointed, not necessarily the METHOD. This debate rages on in Christiandom because many people are unable to see things differently than they have ever seen them! This can be sad because there are generations of people to reach that may not fit your particular paradigm that insists "this is how we've always done this is how we have to do it"! Some say we need to think outside of the box. I say, get rid of the box altogether....whoa! Do what God has shown in His Word to do and what He has shown you by His Spirit to do. It's the Message of God's goodness through His Son, Jesus and the Power of God that saves, heals, delivers and sets the captives free. Let's do it!

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